The Emotional Brain Revisited - Książki Medyczne - Najtańsza Księgarnia Medyczna

The Emotional Brain Revisited

  • Dostępność: Brak
  • Wydawca: Copernicus Center Press
Tytuł: The Emotional Brain Revisited
Wydanie: 1
Rok: 2014
Format: 17.0x24.5cm
Stron: 360
ISBN: 9788378860426
A collection of essays which tackles various issues at play in the current neuroscientific, psychological and philosophical research on emotions. The authors discuss such topics as the role of amygdala in the emergence of emotions, the place of the affect within the psychological construction of the agent, insights from the research on emotions in animals or the relation between emotions, rationality, morality, and law. Furthermore, various conceptual controversies underlying the empirical studies on emotions are considered.
Joseph E. LeDoux, Regina M. Sullivan, Margo S. Landers, Paul Whalen, Jacek Dębiec, Bram T. Heerebout, R. Hans Phaf, Nico H. Frijda, James A. Russell, Lukasz Kurek, Mateusz Hohol, Piotr Urbańczyk, Wojciech Zaluski, Bartosz Brozek, Dominika Dudek.