✦ Najtańsza i Największa Księgarnia Medyczna ✦ Sprawdź Naszą Ofertę!" /> English in Medicine Joanna Ciecierska, Krystyna Ewa Tudruj, Barbara Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL

English in Medicine

  • Dostępność: Produkt dostępny
  • Wydawca: PZWL
  • Cena: 105,24 zł
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  • Tytuł : English in Medicine

    Autor : Joanna Ciecierska, Krystyna Ewa Tudruj, Barbara

    Stron : 448

    ISBN : 9788320039696

    Rok wydania : 2009

    Wydanie : 6

    Oprawa : miękka

    Format : A5

    Jest to podręcznik do nauki języka angielskiego, który składa się z trzech części. odpowiadających kolejnym etapom zaawansowania znajomości języka. Ponadto zawiera słownictwo z zakresu anatomii i fizjologii, ćwiczenia gramatyczne i słownik terminów medycznych.

    Spis treści :
    Stage 1. English in anatomy and physiology
    1.       The human body
    Unit 1. The parts of the human body
    Unit 2. The cavities, systems and organs
    Unit 3. Anatomical description
    2.       The skeletal system
    Unit 1. The skeleton
    Unit 2. The bones: structure and function
    3.       The respiratory system
    Unit 1. The respiratory tract and the lungs
    Unit 2. Respiration ? exchange and transport of gases
    Unit 3. Common respiratory disorders
    Unit 4. Physical examination
    4.       The circulatory system
    Unit 1. The blood
    Unit 2. The heart and the blood vessels
    Unit 3. Common circulatory disorders
    Unit 4. Examinations
    5.       The digestive system
    Unit 1. The blood
    Unit. 2. The heart and the blood vessels
    Unit 3. Common circulatory disorders
    Unit 4. Common digestive dirsorders
    Unit 5. Physical examinations and clinical laboratory tests
    6.       The nervous system
    Unit 1. Division of nervous system
    Unit 2. Function
    7.       The special sense organs
    Unit 1. The eye
    Unit 2. The ear
    8.       The endocrine system
    Stage 2. Essential medical English
    Unit 1. Information about oneself: interviews, letters, application forms
    Unit 2. General and specialists hospital
    Unit 3. A nurse at work
    Unit 5. Taking the temperature
    Unit 6. Taking the pulse
    Unit 7. Giving injections
    Unit 8. The paramedical occupations
    Unit 9. An emergency
    Unit 10. Casualty and Emergency Department: fracture
    Unit 11. The family doctor: the doctor?s surgery
    Unit 12. The family doctor: making an appointment
    Unit 13. The family doctor: at the doctor?s surgery
    Unit 14. The dental surgeon: general dental practice
    Unit 15. The dental surgeon: dental equipment
    Unit 16. The dental surgeon: a check-up
    Stage 3. English in practical medicine
    I.                    Diagnosis
    Unit 1. Taking a history
    Unit 2. Physical examination
    Unit 3. Accessory investigation
    Unit 4. Case history
    II.                  General practice
    Unit 1. Pernicious anaemia
    Unit 2. Peptic ulcer
    Unit 3. Hyperthyroidism
    III.                Casualty and Emergency Department
    Unit 1. Lead poisoning
    Unit 2. Myocardial infarction
    Unit 3. Bronchial asthma
    IV.                On the wards
    Unit 1. Acute rheumatic fever
    Unit 2. Acute cholecystitis
    Unit 3. Otitis media
    V.                  Surgery
    Unit 1. Appendicectomy
    Unit 2. Partial gastrectomy
    VI.                Obstetrics and gynaecology
    Unit 1. Complications of pregnancy
    Unit 2. Acute pyelonephritis
    Unit 3. Carcinoma of the breast
    VII.              Paediatrics
    Unit 1. Respiratory distress in the neonate
    Unit 2. Tetratology of Fallot
    VIII.            Dentistry
    Unit 1. Dental specialties
    Unit 2. The dental surgery
    Unit 3. Drugs in dental practice
    Unit 4. Filing materials and restoration techniques
    Unit 5. Traumatized anterior teeth
    Unit 6. Chronic fistula of the mandible
    Irregular verbs
    Word list