Advances and Updates in Internal Medicine - Książki Medyczne - Najtańsza Księgarnia Medyczna

Advances and Updates in Internal Medicine

  • Dostępność: Produkt dostępny
  • Wydawca: W.B. Saunders Company
  • Cena: 656,11 zł
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  • Tytuł: Advances and Updates in Internal Medicine
    Autor: Kemba Marshall, K Marshall
    ISBN: 9781437725032
    Rok: 2010

    This is a current review of important internal medicine topics for the exotic animal practitioner! Articles will review metabolic bone disease, avian hepatic disorders, avian female reproductive disorders, proventricular dilatation disease, avian renal disorders, ferret neoplasia, amphibian internal disorders, koi reproductive disorders, thyroid tumors and lymphadenopathies in guinea pigs, reproductive reptilian disorders, disseminated idiopathic myositis in ferrets, gastric stasis in rabbits, and much more.